From My Kitchen To Yours
smart recipes

Grandma’s cucumber salad recipe

I love those recipes that we all grew up with, they are just too good to miss out on.



7 cups sliced cucumber

salt, as needed

1 cup sliced onion

1 cup chopped green pepper (optional)

Vinaigrette :

2 cups of sugar

1 cup of white vinegar

1 Cup celeery seeds (optional)

2 tbsp. salt


Preparation steps:

Place the cucumber in a colander and sprinkle generously with salt; leave to drain for 15 minutes. Rinse and wring out.

In a bowl, combine the cucumber with the onion and bell pepper.

Whisk the sugar with the vinegar, celery seeds and 2 tbsp. salt, until blended. Pour on salad also toss sweetly.